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5080. 5 ARCHAIC STYLE 'JADE' CHIMES. Probably somewhat later copies as usual but still with significant age. Carved dark red stone in inverted 'V' form. To 1.75 inches. Ex. an old New York collection formed in the early 20th century.

5081. AN ARCHAIC STYLE DEEP RED 'JADE' BLADE FORM PECTORAL. Probably somewhat later copy as usual but still with some age. Carved dark red stone. 2.7 inches. Ex. Old New York collection formed early part of this century.

5082. AN ARCHAIC STYLE RED 'JADE' SQUARE CONG FORM PI. Probably somewhat later copy as usual but still with some age. Carved dark stone. 2.15 inches. Ex. Old New York collection formed early part of this century.

5083. AN ARCHAIC STYLE 'JADE' TAO TIEH FACED PENDANT. Probably somewhat later copy as usual but still with some age. Carved dark red stone. 2 inches. Ex. Old New York collection formed early part of this century. Nice.

5084. A CHINESE 'JADE' TABLET FORM PENDANT WITH KYLIN AND SCROLLWORK. Probably somewhat later copy as usual but still with some age. Carved dark red stone. 2.2 inches. Ex. Old New York collection formed early part of this century.

5085. AN EARLY ISLAMIC HAND GRENADE. Ghaznavid, Khorasan, ca. 1000AD. Dark gray ceramic vessel with small wick hole. The side with incised surface for sure grip when lit and thrown. These grenades were filled with petrol & used against the Crusaders. See James & Thorpe, Ancient Inventions, p. 231 for a discussion & 3 illus. 3.5 x 4.5 inches. Excessively rare and highly important ancient technology! Excellent condition.

5137. A FINE ILLUMINATED PERSIAN MINIATURE LEAF, ca. 18th-19th century. Hunting scene with nobles on horseback chasing deer, a lion attacking an elephant, the verso covered with calligraphy. 3.5 x 5.5 inches.

5138. A FINE ILLUMINATED PERSIAN MINIATURE LEAF, ca. 18th-19th century. Hunting scene with nobles on horseback chasing deer and lions, a lion attacking an elephant, the verso covered with calligraphy. 3.5 x 5.5 inches.

5139. A FINE ILLUMINATED PERSIAN MINIATURE LEAF, ca. 18th-19th century. Scene of women offering water to nobles at a well, the verso covered with calligraphy. 3.5 x 5.5 inches.

5140. A FINE ILLUMINATED PERSIAN MINIATURE LEAF, ca. 18th-19th century. Multiple panels with scenes of nobles picnicing with servant women, lions attacking deer and water buffalo, the verso covered with calligraphy. 6 x 9.5 inches.

5141. A FINE ILLUMINATED PERSIAN MINIATURE LEAF, ca. 18th-19th century. Larger panel with scene of ruler with four servant girls in his royal barge, the verso covered with calligraphy. 5.75 x 10.25 inches.

5142. A FINE ILLUMINATED PERSIAN MINIATURE LEAF, ca. 18th-19th century. Multiple panels with scenes of saint, women making offering to an ascetic and tigers fighting elephants and antelope, the verso covered with calligraphy. 6 x 9.5 inches.