* * *

5756. SPAIN, CASTULO, 1st c. BC. AE Semis, Burgos 898. Male hd r./Bull, Iberian & Latin legends. VF.

5757. CALABRIA, TARAS, 272-235BC. Stater, Vlasto883, Dewing 292-3. Horseman r./Taras on dolphin r, capital of column below. AEF. Scarce issue with dolphin r.

5758. CAMPANIA, NEAPOLIS, 340-241 BC. AR Didrachm, Sear 299v. Hd nymph with dolphins r./Manheaded bull crowned by Nike r. EF. Choice example! Surface and metal considerably better than image shows.

5759. SICILY, AKRAGAS, PHINTIAS, 287-279 BC. AE22, Sear 1030v. Laur hd Apollo r./Two eagles on hare, one with head back screaming. VF.

5760. SICILY, KAMARINA, 413-405BC. AE Trias, Cop166v. Gorgonion/Owl with lizard, 3 pellets in ex. VF.

5761. SICILY, MESSANA, 480-461BC. Tetradrachm, Sear 842. Mule biga/Hare bounding r. Struck to commemorate a win in the Olympic Games. High profile VF. Rare.

5762. SICILY, SYRACUSE, 4th cent. BC. Tetradrachm, Copenhagen 753/4. Quadriga, Nike crowning horses/Hd Artemis-Arethusa r. Toned EF.

5763. SICILY, UNCERTAIN, ca. 3rd century BC. AE20. Male hd in helmet with cheekpieces r./Nike in biga r. VF. Scarce. Better than image.

5764. THESSALY, LARISSA, 350-325BC. Drachm, Sear 2120v. Facing hd nymph Larissa/Horse grazing. VF. Iridescent toning.

5765. MACEDON, TRAGILOS, 450-400 BC. AR Hemiobol, Winterthur 1437. Grapebunch/T-P-A-I in quarters of incuse. EF. Very rare. Choice example.

5766. MACEDON, PHILIP II (Father Of Alexander The Great), 359-336 BC. AR Didrachm, Sear 6686, (£650).. Hd. young Herakles l. in lionskin/Naked youth on horse stg. r., his hand raised to touch horse's mane, thunderbolt between horse'es legs. VF. Beautiful and interesting surface crystallization. Rare!

5767. MACEDON, ALEXANDER III, THE GREAT, 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm. Bust young Herakles r./Zeus enthroned with eagle & scepter. EF+. Choice sharp example with excellent metal.

5768. MACEDON, PHILIP II (father Alexander the Great), 359-336BC. Tetradrm, S6684v. Hd Zeus/Jockey. Small testcut. EF.

5769. MACEDON, DEMETRIOS POLIORKETES, 294-288BC. Drachm, S6767(£550). Head Demetrios w bull's horn r. /Poseidon stg. l. with foot on rock. VF. Scarce.

5770. MACEDON, AMPHIPOLIS, 158-149 BC. Tetradrachm, Sear 1386. Shield with bust of Artemis/Club in oakwreath. EF.

5771. MACEDON UNDER ROME, AESILLAS QUAESTOR, ca. 90-75 BC. AR Tetradrachm, Sear 1439. Head of Alexander the Great r. with horn of Ammon and flowing hair, dot within circle behind neck/Club of Herakles between money chest and quaestor's chair, all within olive wreath. Sharp EF.

5772. THRACE, BYZANTIUM, ca. 230 BC. AR Tetradrachm, BMC 25, Sear (£900). Veiled hd. Demeter r. wreathed in corn./EPI MEN, Poseidon std r. on rocks holding aplustre and trident, S to r. Ex. Coin Galleries 11/2/77. VF+.

5773. THRACE, THASOS, 510-490 BC. AR stater, Sear 1357. Naked ithyphallic satyr abducting nymph/4 part incuse. AVF.

5774. THRACIAN ISLANDS, THASOS, 463-411 BC. AR Drachm, Sear 1748. Naked ithyphallic Satyr abducting nymph/Four part incuse. F+.

5775. THRACE, unattributed. AE20. Laur. hd. r./Bird stg. r. Attribution appreciated. EF. Scarce.

5776. BLACK SEA AREA, OLBIA, c. 400-350 BC. Cast AE32. Gorgoneion/Greek legend in quarters of circle. VF. Rare!

5777. BLACK SEA AREA, ODESSOS, ALEXANDER THE GREAT style tetradrachm. Hd Herakles/Zeus std. VF+.

5778. PAEONIA, LYKKEIOS, 359-340BC. Tetradrachm, S1518. Hd Zeus r./Herakles fighting Nemean lion. EF.

5779. ASIA, ROMAN PROVINCE OF, C. FABIUS PROCONSUL, 57-56 BC. AR Cistophoric tetradrachm, Sear 5151var. Cista mystica containing serpent within ivy wreath./ Two coiled serpents either side of bowcase, EUHNOS HRWDOY. The magistrates name also appears on "proconsular cistophori" in the name of C. Fabius. Ref.: Gerd R. Stumpf, Numismatische Studien zur Chronologie der Roemischen Statthalter in Kleinasien. VF. Rare. Nice bright shiny surface with good metal much better than image shows.

5780. ASIA, ROMAN PROVINCE OF, C. FABIUS PROCONSUL, 57-56 BC. AR Cistophoric tetradrachm, Sear 5151var. Cista mystica containing serpent within ivy wreath./ Two coiled serpents either side of bowcase, EUHNOS HRWDOY. The magistrates name also appears on "proconsular cistophori" in the name of C. Fabius. Ref.: Gerd R. Stumpf, Numismatische Studien zur Chronologie der Roemischen Statthalter in Kleinasien. VF. Rare.

5781. ASIA, ROMAN PROVINCE OF, C. FABIUS PROCONSUL, 57-56 BC. AR Cistophoric tetradrachm, Sear 5151var. Cista mystica containing serpent within ivy wreath./ Two coiled serpents either side of bowcase, EUHNOS HRWDOY. The magistrates name also appears on "proconsular cistophori" in the name of C. Fabius. Ref.: Gerd R. Stumpf, Numismatische Studien zur Chronologie der Roemischen Statthalter in Kleinasien. VF. Rare. Nice bright shiny surface with good metal much better than image shows.

5782. ASIA, ROMAN PROVINCE OF, C. FABIUS PROCONSUL, 57-56 BC. AR Cistophoric tetradrachm, Sear 5151var. Cista mystica containing serpent within ivy wreath./ Two coiled serpents either side of bowcase, EUHNOS HRWDOY. The magistrates name also appears on "proconsular cistophori" in the name of C. Fabius. Ref.: Gerd R. Stumpf, Numismatische Studien zur Chronologie der Roemischen Statthalter in Kleinasien. VF. Rare.

5783. BITHYNIA, KIOS, 350-300 BC. AR Hemidrachm, 2.31gm, Sear 3757var. (also see Sear 3758). Laur. hd. Apollo r./AQHNO DWROS, above and below prow l., grainear to l. VF+. Rare. Surface and metal better than image shows.

5784. CILICIA, AIGEAI, AR Tetradrachm, S_, Cop_, Von Aulock_. Turreted hd Tyche r/Minerva stg l. EF. An exceptionally rare coin. Until a small group was found only 8 were known. Missing from most major collections. Choice sharp strike and one of the best from the group.

5785. CILICIA, KELENDARIS, 400-350BC. Stater, S5533v. Nude youth dismounting/Goat kneeling. Scarce. VF. Nicer than usual obverse struck from the usual worn die. Nice metal.

5786. CILICIA, NAGIDOS, 379-374BC. Tetradrachm, S5585. Aphrodite std, Eros./Dionysos stg with grapes. EF. Much better than image.

5787. MYSIA, LAMPSAKOS, 480-450 BC. Trihemiobol, 1.26 gm, Sear 3879. Janiform archaic female hd/Hd. Athena r. VF. RARE.

5789. LYDIA or PHRYGIA, ca. 3rd century AD. AE37. Bust of Roman Senate r./Apollo holding lyre stg. near tree on which the satyr Marsyas is flayed. F+. Very interesting mythological type. Detail, esp. rv. a little clearer than image shows.

5790. PAMPHYLIA, ASPENDOS, ca. 300-190 BC. AR Stater, SNG Copenhagen 229. Two nude wrestlers grappling/ESTFEDIIUS (in Lycian letters), the Pamphylian name for Aspendus, slinger wearing short tunic preparing to throw, triskeles before. EF. A wonderful example of the ability of Greek art to convey lively action. A fine example of the type with excellent style and detail.

5791. PERSIAN EMPIRE, SATRAPAL ISSUE, c. 350BC. AR tetradrachm, Plant1171. Satrap on horseback/Great king with bow. F. Rare in any condition!

5792. PHOENICIA, TYRE, 1st century BC/AD. AR 1/2 Shekel. Hd Melquarth r./Eagle stg. l. The '30 pieces of silver of the Bible.' The scarcer 1/2 shekel denomination that was used to pay the Jewish temple tax. EF, a choice example.

5793. EGYPT, CLEOPATRA VII, 51-30 BC. AE25, BMC 4-5. Draped bust with diadem r./Eagle stg. on thunderbolt l., double cornucopia. RR! F with good portrait for these.